Showgrounds Sports Recreation Ground Camping

Showgrounds Sports Recreation Ground Camping


Group Rules


1. Please do not post ”thanks for the add“.

2. Please ensure the STATE is included in your post.

3. Please DO NOT USE "ASKING FOR RECOMMENDATIONS OPTION" When this is activated it places a map in your post.

4. No Colour background posts, Large fonts or GiFS ie ....Coloured Squares/Words/Pictures etc) - these are removed without explanation.

5. No photos showing children or any vehicle ID. When posting photos, please ensure a description is included.

6. We do not allow recommendations for other apps, websites or groups without prior approval by Admin.

7. If uploading photos - please ensure you have noted where the photo was taken and a description.

8. New Member Invites are not accepted and are deleted - anyone who wishes to join the group must apply themselves direct.

9. If you have a problem with a member or a post/comment - please refer it to Admin by Private Message .... we have a team of experienced Admins who are responsible for monitoring the group and abuse of any kind of a member is not acceptable!

10. We do not allow posting of ANY personal travel blogs ..... by all means, please share with us your reviews of the places you visit provided they fall within the group criteria.

11. PLEASE ENSURE ANY LINKS IN YOUR POST ARE REMOVED AND THE CONTENT DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY ADVERTISING. Failure to remove links will result in your post not being approved. The only exception to this are links specifically connected with a Showground/Show Society etc.

12. No posts about missing people, lost pets or stolen vehicles.

 Facebook etiquette...

  • Participate - the success of the group is reliant on its members contributing.

  • Be respectful - treat others as you would like to be treated. There is absolutely no reason to ever be rude or arrogant in a Facebook group.

  • Add value - help others, share knowledge and experience, Constructive dialogue.

  • Newbies - be nice to them because old hands were probably once nice to you when you started out with a new interest. Everyone is a newbie at something and it is often hard for newbies to pluck up the courage to ask questions or join in when everyone seems to know everyone and have their own inside jokes and jargon.

If you have any issues or inquiries contact one of our Admin.

Enjoy your time on the best Showgrounds, Sports and Recreations Ground information site in Australia.